Friday, November 26, 2021

This Will Blow Your Mind! (Not a Political Post)

I am going to blow your minds.  Just wait and see. 

I am going to present you with two ideas that are absolutely crucial to our modern way of thinking These ideas are taught as fact but have never been proven.  Then, I will present you with a fact that has been absolutely proven but you will probably never it see in a textbook.  That’s right.  You will find these first two ideas in most every textbook on our public schools but neither has been proven. 

I know by now you realize that one of these ideas is probably the Theory of Evolution.  You are right.  I also know that, if you are a secular person, this makes you want to stop reading right now.  But I promise, if you stick with me, you will be surprised and amazed at the other two points I will make.  I may even tell you something you don't know about evolution, who knows? 

Evolution has been argued for over a century now and everyone has chosen their camp on the idea.  That’s fine.  But what I would like the folks who believe in evolution to know is that their camp is as founded on faith as they believe the creationist's is. 

I also want the creationists to know that they don’t have to feel stupid for believing what they believe and they don’t have to accept creation on blind faith.  I’m not going to make this a research paper and include all kinds of charts and graphs.  A quick internet search will reveal everything I’m about to tell you.  And I mean secular sources. 

Well, maybe a picture or two wouldn't hurt.


The main thing about evolution I will point out is there are absolutely no transitional fossils.  That’s right, none!  Now the evolutionists will say there are, but there aren’t. I mean, look closely at the above illustration, zero common ancestors. 

The archaeopteryx is the primary example they still point to. Unfortunately for them, even the guy that found the fossil said it is a bird, a perching bird, no matter what they try to make of it.  I didn’t use quotation marks but that’s pretty much what he said. 

By the way, dinosaurs have been found with birds in their stomachs. Just sayin'.  Not only that, crow-like bird fossils have been found that predate archaeopteryx proving that it was not a transitional species. 
  • Mammal bones have been found with dinosaur bones.
  • Mammal fossils have been found with dinosaurs in their stomach.
  • Human bones have been found with dinosaur bones.
  • Human footprints have been found with dinosaur footprints.
  • Modern human bones have been found completely fossilized with malachite (Look that up. It looks amazing!).
  • Bells have been found in coal, as have hammers and bowls.
  • A cowboy’s leg was found fossilized, still in the boot.
Oh heck, why not a few more pictures.

This is the human malachite bone.  Most of the skeleton was malachite.  It is obviously not millions of years old.

This is a mammal fossil with a dinosaur in it's stomach.

And this is the fossilized cowboy boot with the leg still in in.  Sorry, I couldn't resist.  

There is actually a waterfall in the UK that will fossilize anything you put in its spray within months, not millions of years.  It's called The Petrifying Well of Knaresborough.  You can't say all fossils are millions of years old when we can fossilize a teddy bear in months. 

Look up charts that show transitional species on the evolutionary tree.  They are ALL missing.  I am talking about charts you will find in places like the one above from The Chicago Museum of Natural History.  The charts are all drawn up in full for 'Life’s Family Tree'. They fill in the areas where they have fossils to support the diagram but, they're still waiting for the rest of the fossils to be found.

The missing link is still a real thing.  As a matter of fact, there are missing links for all phyla, ALL!  This concerned Darwin who expected transitional fossils to eventually be found.  They have not.

I am not trying to convert anyone.  I’m just saying, don’t call me stupid when all I’m asking for is proof.  Show me the proof.

The geologic time scale has it’s beginnings as far back as Aristotle but was cemented into a scientific study in the 1800’s.  Guess how they determined the age of the rock strata... By the fossils therein. 

Guess how they determined the age of fossils.  Go on, give it a guess. That's right, by the strata of the rocks they were found in.

This is what we call circular reasoning.

I’m not going to get too far into radiometric dating.  I will say only that results vary wildly, so that rocks we know from recent volcanoes have been dated at millions of years old.

All I’m trying to say is do the research yourself.  Don’t take others' word for it.  Read your high schooler’s biology book and then read your elementary school kid’s science book.  One will say Australopithecus, or Lucy, is millions of years old where the other will say she is hundreds of thousands of years old.  It’s all very much a working theory.

Now on to the cooler stuff.

As you may be able to tell, I’m a super nerd.  I love learning and always have.  Astronomy has always been one of my favorite subjects.  I thought I knew how everything works in our solar system and universe.

Boy, was I wrong!  Did you know that it has never been proven that the earth moves in space?

What?!?! you say.

I KNOW! right?

We have been given the Copernican model and told that it was the absolute truth.  Not so. 

When you think about it, no one can view our solar system from outside.  No one can view our universe from any perspective but that of near-Earth.  Everything we know is a guess because we can perform no experiments to prove it.

Now, if you’re anything like me, you believe and have been taught that the mathematics prove the Copernican model.  That model is that the Sun is the center of our solar system and the earth and all the planets revolve around it.

The mathematics do indeed support this hypothesis.  But, what we aren't taught in school is that the mathematics work just as well if the earth is stationary.

This isn’t my opinion.  This is a fact.

Let me give you a quote from Einstein,

"I have come to believe that the motion of the Earth cannot be detected by any optical experiment.”
Here are some other quotes and, believe me, there are plenty more where these came from; and as far as I know, all the scientists quoted are secular.
“Briefly, everything occurs as if the Earth were at rest…” –Physicist, Henrick Lorentz

“A great deal of research has been carried out concerning the influence of the Earth’s movement.  The results were always negative.” –Physicist, Henri Poincare

“There is no planetary observation by which we on Earth can prove that the Earth is moving in an orbit around the sun.”-Physicist, I. Bernard Cohen
These two ideas, evolution and the heliocentric solar system, are presented to us as absolute, undisputed truth.  I for one, would like to have been presented with all theories of the universe and our biology. Are you aware that there are several viable alternatives to the Big Bang?  And I don't mean creation either.  But, you won’t see Plasma Theory or any other of these ideas in the mainstream media.  They go against the established paradigm.

Now, on to number three.  This isn’t a theory presented as fact; this is a fact that you don’t hear too much about.  Let me give you a little background.

Scientists predicted the presence of cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR), the fingerprint of the big bang, in the 1940’s.  It was discovered in the 1960’s and of course, scientists were anxious to study it.

The first mission designed to study this CMBR was The COBE mission.  The results of the study puzzled scientists and I'll get to why in a moment, but they didn't like the results so they sent up another satellite.

The second mission was called WMAP.  It’s results, too, puzzled scientists and they were sure there was a mistake.  The data weren't fitting their paradigm.

So, they sent up the state-of-the-art Plank satellite named after the famous physicist (who was a devout Christian by the way).  They were certain this one would fetch them the results they wanted, the results that would fit with their model of the universe.

It did not.

For the third time and after millions of dollars had been spent, the results were the same.  The earth, or at least our solar system, sits smack-dab in the middle of the universe.

X marks the spot or, you are here!
Known among scientists as, "The Axis of Evil" due to its implications.

What!?”, you say.  "Doesn't this prove we are special?"

That’s right!  It does indeed.  But, all the atheistic cosmologists and physicists are saying things like,

“…but we don’t want to be special!”. –Cosmologist, Lawrence Krauss

Here’s another quote by Krauss,
“Is this Copernicus coming back to haunt us?  That’s crazy. We’re looking out at the whole universe…..That would say we are truly the center of the universe.” The Edge Foundation, 2006
You see Krauss’ face everywhere.  He’s the one who said that teaching your children creation was equal to child abuse.

There are so many instances where scientists tell us that since the cause of their findings can't be creation, they had to come up with another theory to fit said findings.  Are you skeptical of this claim?  Here's a quote from renowned astronomer, Edwin Hubble concerning his discovery of Red-Shift.  Bear in mind, this was before it was proven that Earth is the center of the universe: 

"Such a condition would imply that we occupy a unique position in the universe, analogous, in a sense, to the ancient conception of a central earth.  The hypothesis cannot be disproved but is unwelcome and would be accepted only as a last resort in order to save the phenomenon.  Therefore, we disregard the possibility and consider the alternative."

Did you get that?  One of the most famous astronomers of the last century said he disregarded the possibility that the earth is the center of the universe, even if his own research suggested it, because it would imply that we are special in the universe.  Hmm...Makes one wonder what else they've had to come up with to make the facts fit their paradigm.  

Oh wait! Did someone mention Dark Matter?

Don't you just love science?


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