Thursday, October 3, 2019

Angels Unawares

I just listened to a sermon by Josh Herring called, "When Angels are Near."  I must say, not only was it an excellent teaching, it was one I needed to hear right now.  I'm going to share the gist of the message along with at least one thing God showed me through the hearing of it.

The first thing that struck me is the truth behind his first point.  We as Christians, are quick to ascribe things to the demonic.  We have no trouble believing in the principalities, powers, and spiritual wickedness in high places spoken about in Ephesians; but, when it comes to angels and stories about them, we are the first to say, "That's crazy!", or "Well, I don't believe that."  

The preacher said that it might be because we are inviting evil spirits and the demonic into our homes through television, music, video games, etc so we recognize them easier.  As Vodie Baucham says, "If you can't say, "Amen," say, "Ouch!"

I understand that there is a whole New Age belief system built around angels, and we are right to 'test the spirits' to see if they be of God, but we really shouldn't discard outright all claims of angels.  The Bible is full of angelic encounters, Old and New Testament.  

The main theme of this sermon was preparing your life for heavenly help.  What this preacher did is put together a lot of things I have learned about over the course of the years into a concise and clear teaching.  For instance, I have been taught several times that filth is a sign of demonic presence, even possession.  And, I've been taught and even written about it, that God is a God of order.  He put it together that angels are actually put off by the same filth and disorder that attracts 'unclean spirits'.  In other words, if you want angels in your house, clean it.

This doesn't only apply to your literal house, but to your spiritual house as well.  You can't expect angels who stand in the presence of God to hang out around a blasphemer or pervert. 

Another thing Josh pointed out is that we can't order angels around.  Some of us have been taught that we can command angels or even God.  This is not the case.  We are created a little lower than the angels according to the Word.  We can ask God to dispatch angels and in His sovereignty, He will... if it pleases Him and if what we are seeking help with is aligned with His Word.

The thing the Lord showed me through this teaching is that angels are beings that we seldom, or at least I seldom, think about as helpers in our own, personal spiritual warfare.  I often face the enemy alone.  Let me clarify.  I am armed with my spiritual armor as is spoken about in Ephesians 6:11-18.  And I consider my offensive weapon, the Word of God, of utmost importance.  I use the authority given to me by Jesus according to His Word and I pray the promises of God.  But, sometimes I forget that if I'm bound in  chains in prison, as Peter was, it may take an angelic visitation to answer my prayers.

Heaven is eager to help us.  Let us make our home and our lives a place where angels are anxious to hang out.  Let us not forget to ask God to send angels to help us.  Let us not just 'plead the blood of Jesus' over our children, let's remember that, "The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him and delivers them," Psalm 34:7

The final point I'll touch on from the sermon is hospitality.  Hebrews 13:1-2 says, 

Let brotherly love continue.  Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. 
The preacher said that if we roll down our windows and shout at the beggar to get a job, it's not necessarily sin.  But, it also doesn't set us up in the spiritual realm for angelic visitations. Be good to people.  This life is a test and a training ground for eternity.  I encourage you to score as highly on the test as you can because, who knows?  You may end up entertaining angels unawares. 

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