Wednesday, January 1, 2020

False Flag, Maybe?

Author's note: article written for Daily

False Flag

Article By: A. Marie Cole      Oct. 23, 2019

If you know what the Bilderberg Group is, if you know what someone means when they mention ‘The Grove’, if you think that knowledge of the Illuminati is intro-level stuff and that Matt Groening, purported to be a 33rd degree Mason, uses the Simpsons to show what is planned for the future, then this article is for you.

There is a phenomenon that conspiracy theorists call Predictive Programing.  It is something you can do an internet or YouTube search on and it will keep you occupied for quite a while.  The main subject matter of most of the videos and articles you will find is about the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers on 9/11. 

It is impressive how many references to the collapsing and flaming Towers permeated pop culture throughout the years prior to the attack but, when you add the fact that the date was prominently displayed all over the place and commercials with planes plowing through skyscrapers aired the week before, well, you have the makings of a great conspiracy theory.

Then you have those who love to point out how often the TV show, The Simpsons, has predicted the future from events like Roy Horn’s attack by a white tiger to Donald Trump being president.  The list of events that the Simpsons have parodied years before the actual events occurred is extensive, but the reoccurring flaming towers are one of the most disturbing.

There is another event that is being pointed to throughout pop culture right now including by the Simpsons.   The event supposedly predicted is a false flag attack on Seattle that will make the attacks on the Twin Towers look minor. 

This is not meant to downplay the absolute tragedy of the events of 9/11 or minimize the actual loss of life by the shadow of something that has just been speculated.  This is just an attempt to look at something that might prove or disprove predictive programming once and for all.  If the predictions embedded throughout the media turn out to be true, buckle up America.  This will be the end of the world as we know it.  If there is nothing to it, there is nothing lost but the time we have been entertained by the prediction, much like folks are entertained by a horror flick.

First, let’s look at the actual prediction.  It is said that a faux-nuclear bomb will hit at Century Link field during the football game between the Seattle Seahawks and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers on Sunday, November 3, 2019.  It is also said that it will somehow involve the newly commissioned Good Year blimp. 

If this event really occurs, it will kill tens of thousands, maybe even millions of people considering the population of the Seattle-Tacoma area.  It is notable that Century Link Field can be seen from Interstate 5 and sits in the densely populated area between downtown Seattle and Tacoma; cities that lie only 33 miles apart by car, even less as the crow (or nuclear fallout as the case may be) flies.  This is an older picture but the landscape is basically the same.

By Seattle Municipal Archives - originally posted to Flickr as Aerial of Qwest Field and downtown skyline, 2002, CC BY 2.0, Wikimedia Commons.

We are going to begin this journey with the cover of an earlier edition of The Economist, a magazine that caters to and is read by the elite of the world.  This part is not speculation; it is a fact.  It is published from London and has been in continuous print since 1843. 

At the time of the cover in question (late 2014), 50% of the magazine was owned by Pearson plc, who at one time held the title as the world’s largest publisher and is still the largest education company in the world.  Another 20% is owned by the Rothchild family with the Cadbury family listed as shareholders also.  The very ownership of this magazine prompts speculation.  While Pearson sold out in 2015 to focus solely on education (an interesting fact all by itself), the Rothschilds and the Cadburys remain partial owners.

The edition in question is titled, “The World in 2015.”  Many have recognized the potential disaster predicted on the cover of the magazine but thought the crossbow bolts in the ground in the lower right corner predicted an event in 2015, the year of issue.  

Obviously, there was nothing major in the news on those days in 2015, although on November 3rd that year Obama did defend his decision to send special forces into Syria, a place that is dominating the news today.

Authors note:  If you go to The Economist internet store to purchase this particular edition of the  magazine, the turtle at the bottom in the center isn't there.  Here is the Asia Pacific version and it is included.

The cover is set up like the cover of the Beatles album, “Sgt Peppers Lonely-Hearts Club Band,” with some of the images in color and some in black and white.  Barack Obama is placed prominently in the center with Xi Jingping, the leader of China, close by.

There is a two-faced globe in the top right corner with the West gazing stoically toward the west while the East Looks back at the West with at least anger, likely envy as well.  Just below that is a nuclear mushroom cloud and a rocket hurtling upward.  A game with the words ‘panic’ and ‘green light’ can be seen, along with a pied piper playing to an Asian child eating processed noodles being dusted by a helicopter.  The crazy images continue right down to what appears to be the all-seeing eye peeking through the pyramid formed by Angela Merkel’s hands.

Notice the small turtle at the bottom center.  Why would it be there, looking us in the eye with all those emphasis marks around it?  Many think it is there because another less known, but real nonetheless, elite group is represented by the turtle, The Fabian Society. 

The Fabian Society is a socialist, globalist group out of London whose original coat of arms was literally a wolf in Sheep’s clothing.  

They changed their emblem to a turtle and their motto is, “When I strike, I strike hard.”

So much is going on in this cover art, one could do an entire article on it alone.  For now, our focus is on Seattle and the possible date, 11.3, featured in the lower right of the image.  Why would one think that a false flag event would happen this year and not the year in which this cover was issued?  

Maybe the elites were waiting for the go-ahead or signal.  “The World in 2019” cover of The Economist was entirely black with big block letters.  

This is unusual.  The Economist always has interesting covers that are not always complicated but always telling.  For instance, The 2017 cover showed a Tarot card layout that features The Tower (a collapsing building being struck by lightning) and Donald Trump sitting on a globe with the title of the card being called Judgement.  Also featured was the Death card, among others.  Again, not complicated but very telling.

Another interesting point before we move away from The Economist is that while the 2019 worldview issue was released with the startling, black, empty cover, it was changed soon after to a Leonardo DaVinci-esque theme with mirror writing (backwards) and the Vitruvian Man.  China is prominently featured as a centrally placed panda who is sitting on top of the world.  The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are to the right of it.   The conspiracy theorist in all of us could easily assume that the black cover that was quickly replaced, was the signal to initiate whatever was alluded to in the 2015 cover.

Now, on to why we would assume the event would happen in Seattle.  Here is a partial list of movies, TV shows, video games, etc. that have shown the destruction of, or destruction in Seattle for years: An Inner Fire, Bearmageddon, Supersturm (sic), End of the World, The Shannara Chronicles, Dark Storm, Seattle Firefighters (episode “Last Day on Earth), Battle in Seattle, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (Nuclear Power Plant, Bainbridge Island, near Seattle), Deadlight, 10.5, and many others.

These are just a few of the references and they don’t include an Itchy and Scratchy episode from the Simpsons that shows Itchy sawing off the top of the Space Needle which falls to the ground and hits Scratchy in the eye. Nor does this list include album art or posters of which there are many.

You may be thinking that this list is no big deal.  After all, New York and LA have been destroyed many times in movies and that is true.  The thing about many of the media listed above is they often include references to 11.3 or images of the ballfield exploding or even a zeppelin crashing into a ball field as in the movie, Black Sunday.

One of the most disturbing pop culture references to this possible predictive programming comes from a Japanese boyband called, World Order.  In a song called, “Let’s start WW3,” they mock President Trump and his America first policy.  The video starts in Tokyo, but as they are singing the refrain, “Oh, oh, oh, let’s start WW3,” they fly to Seattle. 

They sing inside the Pike Place Market, a popular attraction in Seattle, but also outside with the Space Needle in the background.  If you weren’t aware of the possibility of an attack, you would take this as nothing more than Asians mocking the American president; but we are aware of the potential.  They drive home the point in the last scene of the video.  It shows a wall hanging of the flags of the world with the words, “We Are All One,” written across the front of it.

So, how did the conspiracy folks conclude that the false flag event would involve a bomb resembling a nuke, but not?  The Simpsons.  It’s all in the predictive programming.  And, how about the blimp?  Good Year recently released its new state-of-the-art dirigible called, “Wingfoot 3.”  Imagine the collective gasp from the conspiracy gang when they watched this video that gives the call sign for the new airship as “November 3 Alpha.”

There are some videos you can find on YouTube that is put together very well, and honestly will cause you to pause.  One is linked here and is a good place to start if you choose to go down this rabbit hole.

One more thing, some of you are familiar with the short film, “i Pet Goat 2.”  If you haven’t seen it, you should; and if you have, you should watch it again.  It depicts our current world very well and, it can be argued, portrays the agenda of the elites.  Throughout the video, which starts with George W. Bush as a buffoon and puppet, there are timely cultural references that could easily be dismissed as a really good compilation and representation of conspiracy theories…except for a couple of things.

One of the eerie things is, toward the end of the video, we see a church that resembles Notre Dame in a dystopian sort of way.  As the antichrist figure passes the church, the spires collapse.  The strange thing is, you can line up the spire collapse of the real Notre Dame in 2019 to the collapse of the animated spire from 2012 and it is almost identical.

The other thing to notice is that at about minute 3:40 in the video, we have a young girl standing before approaching tanks.  It is reminiscent of the Chinese tanks from the Tiananmen Square incident from 1989; except that the person in Tiananmen Square was a man dressed in a white shirt.

In the video, the young woman wearing a jacket with a tiger down the back is tapped on the shoulder by a boney finger.  She turns around with a very angry expression that looks like she could be standing before the United Nations saying, “HOW DARE YOU!”  On her cheek, there is an old-school symbol for radiation with a strike through it, as in ‘No Nukes.’ 

We then see the face of the figure that tapped her shoulder and it is a skeleton blowing a party favor with an exploding fireworks display behind him forming a perfect halo.  November 2-3 is the weekend of the Day of the Dead, celebrated by Latin Americans everywhere.  Its most identifiable representation is skeletons. 

Seattle will be hosting a number of festivities beginning on Friday and going through Sunday bringing even more people to town.  It may be a stretch but Tiger Mountain is a nearby hiking and biking trail complex with a panoramic view of Seattle.

This article is meant to entertain.  It is all speculation and is in no way meant to cause panic or even discomfort.  It is, however, meant to draw your attention to the fact that, one way or another, maybe today, maybe in ten years, things are going to change dramatically.  This isn’t based on predictive programming but on Biblical prophecy which has never missed the mark yet.

If you are uncertain of your place in eternity or would like to know how to become a Christian, please read, The Gospel, which is a post on the Bible study blog, A Reasoning Together.  There is also a short video on YouTube that explains the Gospel quite well.  Don’t delay.  Whether or not WW3 is initiated by the bombing of Seattle on the 3rd of November 2019, you are not promised the next breath.  Make your calling and election sure.  Call on the name of Jesus today.

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