Thursday, August 13, 2020

It’s All Witchcraft!

It’s All Witchcraft!

By: A. Marie Cole

Sept. 23, 2019

Author’s note: This article was written a while back but never submitted.  The sacrifice in Jerusalem spoken of has already occurred but I feel the article is still timely considering the recent news that witches are, yet again, working together against our president in a giant spell. 

This is one of those rare articles where I write in commentary form and not as a voice reporting events and the relationships of those events to the Bible and the times in which we live.  I do this because God revealed something to me the other day.  Honestly, all of you may already know it but I want to share anyway. Before I share the actual revelation, I feel like I should share a small bit of my background and give some insight into how I have concluded that, “It’s All Witchcraft.”

I grew up in the hills and was raised by my Father, my paternal grandmother, and my great-grandmother who lived with us until her death when I was fourteen years old.  I went to a nice Baptist Sunday school and had a really good foundation in basic Bible, well, Bible stories anyway.   I say it this way because my grandmother’s sister spoke to the dead and read cards (fortune telling) as did her cousin.  This was all done at our kitchen table.  So, even though I was taught the Bible stories, the Bible obviously wasn’t lived out in my house. 

Let me clarify one thing.  My family didn’t use those ‘demonic’ Tarot cards.  No, our card-reading was done by regular old playing cards.

When I was eight or nine, our neighbor was cleaning out her attic.  I was riding through the neighborhood on my bike, as was my practice, when she asked me if I wanted her old Ouija board.  She was just going to throw it out anyway and figured she would give it to me instead.  I was thrilled! You see, I already knew what a Ouija board was.  My great-grandmother’s sister had previously owned a Ouija board and my older family members had regularly communicated with my grandmother’s brother that had been killed in World War II.  I grew up hearing many stories of the messages that had been received from the other side. 

That old board had faded in everyone’s memory, until I came waltzing through the front door with my very own ‘WeeJee’ board, as we called it.  This sparked a new interest at my house and the relatives would come by now and then for a go at the board.  Card reading found new popularity and I was right in the middle of it all, eating it up. 

I grew up in West Virginia in the 1970’s.  Everyone considered themselves Christians.  Everyone went to church; but almost everyone had some kind of belief or practice that was rooted in witchcraft and was clueless about it.  I remember little spells being done to remove warts from the hands of children, like stealing your mother’s dish cloth while she is doing dishes.  It was said that if you bury it under the eaves where rainwater comes down, as the cloth rots, your warts fade.  I wondered why anyone would go to all the trouble when the local pastor would buy your warts for a penny, like he did my cousin, and they would go away overnight. Wart spells are only a drop in the bucket

I was taught to ‘draw fire’ when I was about twelve.  My dad, who had been taught it as a boy, called it a charm and said that had to be passed from male to female and female to male or the charm would be broken.  It was performed when someone was burned to pull the ‘fire’ out and heal the injury.  The charm, or incantation as I learned it really was, involved calling on angels and (G)od.  Pretty harmless, right?

I guess so except, my dad ended up burned to death in a fire in his fifties.  He was alert long enough for the neighbor to lead him to the Lord while the smoke rose from his literal bones.  I don’t think my family put that all together, but I sure did.  After all, I’m the one he chose to entrust with the knowledge of how to draw the effects of fire on flesh into myself.

There were people called ‘faith healers’ who could stop blood.  This means they could staunch even the deadliest flow of blood and they did it with a Bible verse used as a spell, not with prayer.  The woman who taught my dad to draw fire was one of these faith healers. You can actually read about some of these things in, The Foxfire Books vol.1. These books started as a high school project to preserve Appalachian lore and are great if you’re interested in that kind of thing.

Fast-forward many years.  I no longer live in West Virginia but have moved to parts West.   I ended up as far west as you can go and remain in North America.  After stints in Nevada and Oregon, I landed Alaska where I live to this day.  And, it is in Alaska where I lost my mind. 

I had become a radically saved, super devoted Christian for most of the many years I lived in Oregon.  But I backslid and ran from God here to the Great White North.  As a matter of fact, there were times I included the violent, burned alive death of my father in my list of reasons to backslide and run from God.  That isn’t true, but it sounded good to me when I was lying to myself.  God had actually answered my prayers to save my father’s soul at any cost.  I just didn’t like the price. 

Anyway, I was at work along with a couple of young women here in Alaska, and one of them was telling about a dream she had had the night before.  I became uneasy and told her that my great-grandmother would have said that is a very bad dream.  I proceeded to give my great-grandmother’s interpretation of what her dream meant.  This prompted a conversation about dreams, superstition and the like.

The other young woman asked me, “So, what ‘trad’ are you?”

I asked her, “Trad, what’s a trad?”

She said, “Tradition, what tradition of witchcraft did you grow up in?  Was it Wicca, Gardnerian, or Stregheria?  No wait! Pow Wow, I’ll bet it was Pow Wow (Pennsylvania Dutch magic).”

I assured her that I had not grown up in any ‘trad’ and that my Baptist grandmother was probably turning over in her grave at the thought.

She told me she had a book that she would like me to read.  You see, she was pagan and a practicing witch.   She assured me that I was as well, whether I thought so or not.   The next day she brought me a book by a witch called Silver Ravenwolf (I know, right?) and when I read it, I felt like someone had been peeking into my childhood.  Everything was there including my charm to draw fire.

Needless to say, I dove headfirst into witchcraft.  Mind you, I knew it was against God but, I wasn’t serving God anyway, and sin is sin.  What difference could it make?  Let me assure you. It makes a lot of difference. Sin may indeed be sin, but the consequences of stealing a piece of gum are far different from the consequences of committing murder.  Witchcraft brings consequences beyond those that would be had by someone who just abandons their faith.  Take my word for it.

Now to the point, I say all this to show that I know a little about that of which I speak.  Let’s start with a lesson in spell-craft.  No, I am in no way endorsing witchcraft.  I am not telling you this so that you can go out and create a spell.  I am telling you this so that you can identify spells that have already been created because it is ALL on big spell. 

The first thing you need for a good spell is intent.  Spell working is an act of the will.  Any good witch will tell you that if you go into your spell half-heartedly, it will likely fail.  You must focus your intent and be in a state of mind that accomplishes that.  This is where repetition and chanting may or may not come in.

Most spells need elements.  These are things like candles, salt, thread, stones, and herbs.  Candles bring the element of fire, salt and stones are earth, certain herbs represent certain elements.  Salt is also for protection.  Tying knots in thread helps focus, etc.

Many spells have a somatic element.  These are gestures and postures.  In India, some of these gestures are called mudras.  I probably don’t have to explain the ‘ohm’ position of the hands.  In my childhood, I witnessed my great-aunt cross her fingers in special ways to ward off a spiritual attack.  What I witnessed the day she did that was amazing, though in no way godly.  The simplest gesture I can think of is raising your hand and saying, “Stop.”  It shows your intent and it puts force behind your word.  I’m not saying you shouldn’t raise your hand and call stop.  I’m just illustrating a point. 

Most heavy-duty spells require an offering or sacrifice.  It can be as small as fingernails or hair, burning a dollar bill, all the way up to cutting yourself for blood or sacrificing a small animal.  Think of Santeria and Voodoo which sometimes require the sacrificing of chickens and such.  That is something else any good witch will tell you; blood magic is powerful magic.

There is one more element of spell-craft I want to bring to your attention, and that is the concept of ‘widdershins’.  Widdershins is reversal.  It is contrary to the direction of the sun or counterclockwise.  Many, many spells call for walking widdershins around your circle or whatever.  This is where my revelation came in.

I was researching the upcoming prophetic event in Jerusalem.  The Sanhedrin has invited the 70 Nations to Jerusalem to confirm the Noahide Covenant and will be sacrificing at least one animal.  There are reports that there may be as many as 70 animals sacrificed on the Mount of Olives that day.  Conflicting reports, of course, are why I was researching.  By the way, this could very easily be ‘the covenant with many’ confirmed by the Beast spoken of in the book of Daniel.  

During my research, I came across a reference to Barack Obama, a man whose name literally means lightning from heaven (as in “Behold I see Satan as Barack Obama).  This reference to our former president included a reference to a statue of Baphomet that was unveiled in Detroit.  There was a link to a BBC article explaining the symbolism if the Baphomet which I followed.

I thought I knew all the symbolism of the ugly demonic statue and I did but, as I read the article, I realized that this is all a great big satanic spell powered by the blood of the innocents (abortion), ALL of IT!  The whole reason behind Satanism is not so much to worship Satan as it is to counter religion, free people from societal restraints and, as Aleister Crowley said, “Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.”  

Few Satanists and NO witches believe in Satan at all.  Satanists personify the rebellious spirit of man as Satan and witches just flat out don’t believe in a personal devil.  They believe in negative energy and many even believe in demons, but no devil.

I recently wrote an article for Daily Renegade called, The Great LGBT-LMNOP-Q Heist  (I titled it like that because they keep adding letters).  In it, I explain how the LGBTQ agenda has hijacked the first two of God’s covenants and the symbols of those covenants, marriage and the rainbow, in the name of equality.  I didn’t realize how much more there was to it at the time.  It is all widdershins!

Trans-sexuals, trans-human, genderless children, etc. are all reversals.  It is the counterclockwise working of a global spell.  We all know that abortion is child-sacrifice.  Even if you don’t believe in anything beyond this life, millions are sacrificing their children for the god of self: self-gratification, self-indulgence, self-advancement, to name a few.  But, we as Christians know the power of blood.  The voice of Abel’s blood cried out from the ground to God after his murder (Genesis 4:10) and it is the blood of Jesus that cleanses us from sin (Hebrews 12:24, 13:20, 1 Peter 1:2 and many others). 

Luciferians in high places, and I know I sound like a conspiracy nut right now, are working magic to reverse God’s plan.  I realize we see the symbolism in plain sight all the time.  It just didn’t occur to me that it is an actual working of magic.  I always thought the hand gestures and symbols used by pop artists just showed their allegiance to the dark side.  From these gestures to the gender reversals that have exploded in the last couple of years, these things direct energy.  They focus intent and are intended to overthrow the Kingdom of God, not just by the powers of darkness but by using rebellious humanity. We are being manipulated into providing power to the principalities and powers spoken of in Ephesians 6:12 in a global working of magic.  They think they can win and we, in our ignorance, are feeding them.

Now, before we go any further, they don’t believe the God of the Bible is the Creator God so they do think He can be defeated (He can’t).  They also believe that Lucifer was the good guy by bringing knowledge to mankind like the story of Prometheus.  We, as Christians, know better.  We know that God has a plan, and in the words of the great Carmen song, Radically Saved, “Black is black.  White is White. Hell is hot and sin ain’t right.  God is holy.  Christ is coming and righteousness will prevail!”

On the other hand, God put certain principles in place.  There is energy to be directed.  There is power in blood.  Let us remember these things and be mindful. Are we unwittingly assisting the kingdom of darkness?  Do we show any kind of loyalty to that kingdom with it with our clothing, our music, our expenditures of money or even energy?  Are we putting as much into the Kingdom of God as they are putting into the kingdom of the enemy?  

Pay attention Believers!  This is the end of the end.  Eternity is real.  Let us lay up our treasures in Heaven as Jesus said (Matthew 6:20).  I don’t mean to be preachy but, think about what Jesus said about the Days of Noah.  He said people would be eating, drinking, marrying and giving in marriage and they didn’t realize the flood was coming until it took them all away (Matthew 24:37-39).  Let’s not be about life as usual.  Let us use the time we have left for the Kingdom and the glory of God.  Let us not do anything that might be a stumbling block to anyone by participating in any way with the ongoing coup attempt against the Most High God by Satan. 

Thank you for your kind attention and prayers for me and all of us here at this ministry.  I am certainly praying for you in these last days.

If you don’t have the assurance of where you will spend eternity, will you come to Jesus today?  Salvation is the free gift of God.  All you have to do is believe with a sincere belief and turn away from sin. If you would like more information, please visit my blog and read the post called, The Gospel.  I invite any that are interested in further, just plain old Bible study to stop by as well.  The blog is called, A Reasoning Together.  If you would like prayer or have any questions, please contact me at  Thanks again and God bless!

Note:  All scriptures are from the King James Version and taken from Bible  There are many other translations and study resources there.

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