Friday, October 9, 2020

Connecting the Dots

Connecting the Dots

Author's note: I am not an anti-vaxxer and this article is not meant to influence anyone to take or avoid the covid-19 vaccination. It is meant to show facts of which its readers may not be aware. If and when the vaccine becomes available, one should know all those facts before making a decision. This article was written for Daily
Amos 3:7 Indeed, the Sovereign LORD never does anything until he reveals his plans to his servants the prophets.
What if Amos 3:7 is a universal rule? What if, since God makes His plans known, it is a requirement for the other side as well? Is that what we are seeing in some of the films, music videos, and even so-called predictive programming out there? Are we being told the plan in the very headlines we read?

This article will be presenting a number of facts in a ‘connect-the-dots’ kind of way. It includes many quotes, headlines and titles of papers making it more difficult to read than fiction, but important nonetheless. Hopefully the ‘dots’ are presented in a way that allows you to make out a final picture in your own mind. The article concludes with one possibility of what that picture might look like. 

Let’s begin with a definition from Wikipedia:

Conspiracy Theory: an explanation for an event or situation that invokes a conspiracy by sinister and powerful groups, often political in motivation, when other explanations are more probable.

The Oxford Dictionary definition is:

“The theory that an event or phenomenon occurs as a result of a conspiracy between interested parties…”,

or to paraphrase, the idea that something happened because people conspired.

Contrary to popular belief, the term ‘Conspiracy Theory’ has been around since the 1800s. It was not invented by the CIA as a way to make the average Joe that had questions about the JFK assassination look crazy. As a matter of fact, according to Andrew McKenzie-McHarg, until recently the term simply “...suggests a plausible postulate of a conspiracy” and “did not at this stage carry any connotations, either negative or positive.”

What you are about to read in this article is a conspiracy theory in the original sense of the term, “a plausible postulate of a conspiracy.” It is presented as a springboard for research, discussion and reflection on the part of the reader. Everyone is encouraged to take the facts, do the research, and make up their own minds.

The belief on which this entire article is based is not a conspiracy theory. That belief is that God is Real, the devil (who is our grave enemy) is real, the Bible is truth, and there are only two sides without any middle ground.

You either believe or you don’t. It isn’t a matter of degrees. There are few things we encounter in life that are this clearly black and white. With these things in mind, let us try to connect some dots.

Most of the readers of this article are aware of all the UN initiatives that have been put forth toward globalization like: Agenda 21, The 2030 Agenda and the Green New Deal (a UN sustainability agenda not written by AOC). All these can be boiled down into what is included on the Georgia Guidestones, and all of these include population control, elimination of private property, etc. One of the main ideas behind all these programs is that they want most of the population eliminated and those that are left to be controlled. This would be one dot.

Most readers will also be aware of all the genetic manipulation that has been going on for decades. More than once, the Enviropig has found a place in a video, article, or discussion here at Daily Renegade. Genetic manipulation would be dot number two.

Less widely known to the public, but more widely known among our readers, is President Obama’s “The Brain Initiative,” which he put forth in 2013. This is where the dots may take on a more sinister tone, if the Georgia Guidestones weren’t sinister enough.

In a report done by NBC News, on February 11, 2015, we find the following quote,

“The study, describing a way to manipulate a lab animal's brain circuitry accurately enough to turn behaviors both on and off, is the first to be published under President Barack Obama's 2013 BRAIN Initiative, which aims to advance neuroscience and develop therapies for brain disorders.” 
(emphasis added by author here and throughout)
The video on the website shows how this research would help eliminate seizures. While this may sound great, it is very disturbing watching a lab-rat being manipulated remotely by a sci-fi device coming out of its head (see video here).

The brain research ‘dot’ is multifaceted. One very interesting facet is a branch of study called Optogenetics. As you can probably tell by the prefix of this word, it has to do with something that can be seen. More accurately, this word has something to do with something that causes us to see, namely light.

Wikipedia says:

“Optogenetics most commonly refers to a biological technique that involves the use of light to control neurons that have been genetically modified to express light-sensitive ion channels.”
In other words, Optogenetics uses light to control living organisms that have been genetically modified to make certain of their neurons light sensitive. A video on this subject by the World Economic Forum can be found here.

This brings us to the next facet of our ‘brain dot’, RASSLs (Receptor activated solely by a synthetic ligand) or DREADDs (designer receptor exclusively activated by designer drugs).

An article by Reuters from April 30, 2015 said,

“DREADDs allow scientists to manipulate neurons without implanting anything in the brain.”
One of the most disturbing articles out there, to someone paying attention, is the one from Techspot, a computer and technology publication. The full title of the article is, “Optogenetics: A Virtual Reality System for Controlling Living Cells, (Neural Stimulation Through Light-Sensitive Proteins for Biological Manipulation).” In this article, you can find snippets like:
“Dating back to at least 1971, optogenetic research has matured enough to gain the attention of organizations such as the NIH, DARPA and IARPA, who are exploring the role that light-sensitive cells could soon play in fields surrounding neurobiological, including physical and mental health, human-machine interfacing, and advancing artificial intelligence through reverse brain engineering.”

“In 2015, optogenetics was combined with CRISPR to develop a set of photoactivatable tools that enable the editing of an organism's genome through the external use of light.”

“If targeted precisely enough with the appropriate light, it's thought that optogenetics could be used by manipulating neural circuits involved with pain, fear, reward, wakefulness and social behaviors.”

“Current optogenetic experiments rely on extracting "opsins" (light-sensitive proteins) from plants which can be introduced to mammals by methods including injection and infection via adenovirus.”

“In one Yale study, for example, mice were infected with a virus which made their neurons sensitive to blue light. Scientists then used that light pathway to activate predatory behavior.”

In a paper published by Europe PMC, “Combined Optogenetic and Chemogenetic Control of Neurons,” the following quotes are found:

"Luminopsins (luminescent opsins or LMOs) were developed to achieve combined chemo- and optogenetic manipulation. They are fusion proteins of a light-emitting luciferase and a light- sensing opsin.”
"...LMOs integrate opto- and chemogenetic approaches, and thus allow manipulation of neuronal activity over a range of spatial and temporal scales in the same experimental animal.”
The first thing they did with the Brain Initiative was give themselves the ability to turn behaviors off and on. Previously, and with other methods, you could only switch a neuron one way or the other. This allows for greater control of the subject animal.

The new chemo- optogenetic research has the added benefit of being able to manipulate a brain without being wired to it. This literally turns the subject into something that can be remotely and wirelessly controlled (video here).

Interestingly, the ‘Keywords’ section of this paper lists Luciferase as a word to watch for in the paper.

Luciferase is another word that has been discussed in our circles. It is a bioluminescent enzyme that can be extracted from animals like fireflies, fungi and other living, glowing organisms. According to Wikipedia, luciferase is,

“...derived from the Latin word Lucifer-meaning lightbearer.”

An important takeaway from the above quote from Techspot is: DARPA and IARPA (the Intelligence equivalent of the Defence Department’s DARPA) have been interested, for decades, in technology in which the brain can be genetically modified to be manipulated by light. The light-sensitive proteins obtained from plants are introduced to the subject via injection and infection of an adenovirus. This is a Big dot.

This is a side note for your consideration. President Harry S. Truman said,

“I never would have agreed to the formulation of the Central Intelligence Agency back in forty-seven, if I had known it would become the American Gestapo.”

President Dwight D Eisenhower said:

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist."

And finally, it is said in UFO circles that President Elect Jimmy Carter asked then CIA Director George HW Bush to brief him about UFOs and Bush told him he didn’t need to know. This isn’t included to try to tie UFOs to this topic, but it is meant to show that the director of our nation’s premier intelligence agency thought it was within his power to tell the President of the United States basically, “It’s none of your business.”

The decades-long interest in brain manipulation by the Intelligence community should cause you pause.

Back to the story, you may be wondering, “What is an adenovirus,”

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) gives the following definition:

“Adenoviruses are common viruses that cause a range of illness. They can cause cold-like symptoms, fever, sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia, diarrhea, and pink eye (conjunctivitis).”

This means we are all familiar with adenoviruses and have likely just referred to them as a ‘bug’. How do adenoviruses fit into our puzzle? The following headline from Chemical & Engineering News, is our next dot, “Adenoviral vectors are the new COVID-19 vaccine front-runners. Can they overcome their checkered past?”

The title of a paper published in PubMed, gives us another interesting headline. The paper is titled, “An adenovirus-vectored COVID-19 vaccine confers protection from SARS-COV-2 challenge in rhesus macaques.”

This means the vaccine derived from an adenovirus, was successful in monkeys.

So far, few of the things affect our day to day lives, at least at the moment. Most of us wouldn’t sign up for any of this. What we have voluntarily signed up for is the massive harvesting or our vital information via Fit-Bits, Microsoft Bands, Google Fit or Apple Watch. There are also devices designed to assist you with your meditation and keep track of your brain activity. The Muse Headband and BrainBit, to name two, are devices that record our bodies’ reactions on a very personal and individual level.

Multiply this by the fact that all the data from our online activity is monitored, our smartphones are constantly monitored, and multi-millions of us have paid companies to take our unique, individual DNA. Now add a global pandemic that has spawned tracking apps, rushed the advancement of facial recognition... The dots are connecting and the picture they make is not pretty.

All that data is going somewhere and is being used by someone, for something. We can be sure that it is being used for more than advertising.

Take this article found on the Royal Society’s website for instance: Towards a psychophysics of interoceptive processes: the measurement of heartbeat detection. The paper deals with interception (“a lesser-known sense that helps you understand and feel what’s going on inside your body,” and using the heartbeat as a means of studying it.

Introception is more easily understood if we consider eating disorders like anorexia nervosa (starvation), bulimia nervosa (binge eating and purging), or binge eating disorder (like bulimia without the purging). All three of these disorders show the sufferers’ inability to ‘interocept’ and why there is a need for study.

The article states:

“Hence, noninvasive behavioural measures of accuracy in heartbeat detection have frequently been adopted to index interceptive sensitivity.”

“Over the past 50 years, research on interoception has grown exponentially from 17 citations of ‘interocept’ in 1965 to 8440 in 2015.”

The quote from the article that makes this a dot to be included here is:

“The early Russian (Soviet) work was summarized in Razan’s landmark article on the subject and demonstrated, inter alia, that interoception participated fully in the intersensory process of Pavlovian conditioning.”

For those unfamiliar with Pavlovian conditioning named after the late 19th- early 20th century Russian psychologist, Ivan Pavlov, here is the Wikipedia definition:

“Classical conditioning (also known as Pavlovian or respondent conditioning) refers to a learning procedure in which a biologically potent stimulus (e.g. food) is paired with a previously neutral stimulus (e.g. bell). It also refers to the learning process that results from this pairing, through which the neutral stimulus comes to elicit a response (e.g. salivation).”

Pavlov would ring a bell and then feed the dogs he was using in his experiment. Before long, the dogs would salivate when they heard the bell. Pavlov had successfully caused a reflexive (involuntary) response (salivation) in the dogs by equating the sound of the bell with food.

In case you have lost track, here is a mini-connect-the -dots. Heartbeat is being studied in relation to interoception which has been previously shown to have “participated fully” in the process of Pavlovian conditioning. We are giving that data up voluntarily, all the time.

A FOX News report by Tucker Carlson, recently featured a Chinese virologist, Dr. Li-Meng Yan. Carlson asked her if she believed the Chinese Communist Party deliberately released COVID-19 virus.

Her response was, “Yes, of course, it was intentionally,” and she claims to have evidence. She goes on to describe this virus as a “Frankenstein” like a “cow has deer’s head, has rabbit’s ears, and also has monkey’s hands.”

COVID-19 has the convenience of being an infection that prompts an injection, a double whammy so to speak. And as was noted above, current optogenetic experiments use both. It is here that we leave our fact based dots to begin to construct a diagram of what may be happening in the world around us. It is just a hypothesis and then, only one among many.

Recently there was a headline circulating the web from the Hal Turner Radio Show and then again on Election Countdown 2020, an Alex Jones production. The Headline read,

"They've Killed God; I Can't Feel God; My soul is Dead" AstraZeneca Halts COVID-19 Vaccine Trials after Second Volunteer 'Develops Neurological Problems'".

While finding supporting articles for the claim that AstraZeneca has halted, even abruptly halted, the trials involves a simple internet search, finding supporting evidence for the quote has proven futile. This does not, however, mean that the quote is false. It just means that it cannot be validated by another source and should be viewed as ‘not outside the realm of possibility’ rather than factual.

If you enter the quote, or even ‘They’ve killed God’ into the search bar of either Google or Bing, the articles populate the page. Unfortunately, none of the articles are from mainstream news sources. They all go back to the original Hal Turner article. If you follow the link to Reddit to see what is being discussed there, you will find the article deleted and comments locked.

The opening paragraph from the article on Hal Turner Radio Show, quotes the New York Times article covering the halting of the trials verbatim. This lends only a little support to the claim made by Hal Turner.

This brings us to a video that has been circulating the web for nearly 10 years. It has been debunked by Snopes and Reuters among others. This video supposedly shows Bill Gates at the pentagon explaining how they are going to use a virus/vaccine to shut down the vmat2 gene, also known as the ‘god gene.’

We will pause quickly to explain that ‘god gene’ is a euphemism created to sell the eponymous book. It refers to the vmat2 protein that transports neurotransmitters like dopamine to receptors. The theory is that religious people have at least a more sensitive or active vmat2 gene. The debate on whether or not this gene is the basis of religious belief goes on by scientists and religious people alike.

It doesn’t matter one way or the other what we or most anyone else believes. The vmat2 is real. It does transport the ‘feel good’ neurotransmitter, dopamine. It is whether the powers-that-be believe that it contributes to religious belief and spirituality or not, that matters.

Reuters did an excellent job debunking this video for the public. The man, upon closer inspection, is clearly not Bill Gates and there was talk of a documentary that was going to be made. Reuters claims that the video could be a prank, a creative project like a trailer for said documentary, or it was put forward by someone who actually believed the conspiracy.

There are a few problems, though. Most of the links to the video one can find, including all of the links in the Reuters article, show the video to be between 4 and 5 minutes long. But if one searches a little deeper, a longer video can be found. This video is nearly 10 minutes long.

What we see at the end of the long version are images. There is an image of a headline from a publication called the examiner (sic) that is dated September 14, 2011. While the publication no longer exists, its Wikipedia page does. The author of the article, Fred Burks, is a former presidential interpreter turned cover-up researcher. In the image, you can see that his article includes the ‘debunked’ video.

Further on, we come to another headline, “CIA defends running vaccine program to find bin Laden”, from the Washington Post dated July 13, 2011. While this article doesn’t tie a manufactured vaccine to eliminating the ‘god gene’, it does show that the CIA will use health programs, vaccines in particular, to further their agenda.

The final image looks like a redacted government document. The first sentence we see is,

“This report provides a summary of recommendations and conclusions based on experiments related to project ID 149AZ2 during the period of 02/01/07 and 05/01/07.”

Project ID 149AZ2 was the project stamped on the video along with the date stamp of 2005.

The document is lengthy and reading it is cumbersome as you have to pause and restart the video several times. That being said, it is recommended reading considering that one of the strains tested caused the monkeys infected with it to stop eating and thus starve to death. This prompted a discussion on a ‘suicide gene’.

The paper claims that:

“Because of the vestibular stomatitis virus’ ability to infect brain cells and its two step life cycle, cytolytic infections in mammals and transmission by insects, it provided a starting point to design an airborne virus that has the ability to infect the respiratory system as well as brain cells.”

Vestibular stomatitis is a virus related to rabies, found most often in livestock (swine), it can be caught by humans, and causes flu-like symptoms. These are facts. What animal immediately comes to mind when you think of carriers of rabies? Somewhere near the top of the list would be bats. As a matter of fact, bats appeared at the top of the list of the top ten animals most likely to carry rabies in a Google search.

The video could be fake. The government document could have been faked. However, the articles included at the end were not. And this still doesn’t explain how a Youtube video stamped with a date of 2012 (2009 if you leave out the extra material) knew what it knew about the virus, showed how it could be made airborne, carried by insects or used in a vaccine, and saw its potential to be used on the population for control.

It is true that, at this time, the COVID-19 vaccine can’t alter your DNA making you less than human. But it is obvious from the research that it can introduce things into your body you may not want in there.

One more thing, another dot if you will, genetically modified mosquitoes have been approved for release in Florida and Texas. They have already been released in The Cayman Islands, Brazil, Panama, and Malaysia. Remember, insects were listed in the redacted document as a means of transmission back in at least 2012. Here is a HuffPost article on the dangers of releasing genetically modified mosquitoes into the environment.

It’s all so coincidental. Science is advancing by leaps and bounds in the research of


luminopsinss and their place in brain research,

DREADDs (designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs, neuronal manipulation,

controlling animals with the use of external light and luciferase molecules in the brain

the introduction of these things via infection by a modified virus or by injection of a vaccine made from adenoviruses

All this while we are being hit with a global pandemic that has forever changed the landscape of life as we know it. And genetically modified mosquitoes are being released around the world.

Then there’s that economic reset scheduled in January 2021. Things are happening quickly. The Beast System has never been closer to being implemented. If you don’t know Jesus, today is the day of salvation. The Bible says that men’s hearts will fail them from fear of the things coming upon the earth. But it is possible to have peace and hope. Put your trust in the Creator of the Universe today. He has the hairs of your head counted and loves you so much that He gave His life in your place.

Here is a short YouTube video on the Gospel or you can visit the blog, A Reasoning Together, and read the post on “The Gospel.” Feel free to email any questions to

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