Monday, March 15, 2021

The Spirit of Prophecy

I am troubled by some recent events and have wanted to write about it for a month or so.  If you are unaware, there were many, many prophecies that went forth about the recent election in the United States.  There may have been hundreds actually, of so called prophets that assured the world that Donald Trump would be the 46th president.

When he lost the election, whether by hook or by crook, the prophets moved the goalpost. They said that Vice President Pence would object and Donald Trump would get in that way.  He did not.

They then said, to my amazement, that March would be the month.  They had all these facts that they based it on, like inauguration day used to be in March, or Air Force One has the wrong paint job.  I told people that hung on to these prophecies that Trump would have to overthrow the United States in order to become president in March and we really don't want that, do we?

My problem is not the these prophecies were made.  My problem is that when they were proven wrong, very few of these 'prophets' acknowledged their mistake.  Two that did, and there may have been others, are Jeremiah Johnson and Kris Vallotton.  Most of the others just kept right on  assuring us that they knew better and had heard from God.  What arrogance!

I am going to share my take on prophecy.  This isn't from any teacher so you can take it with a grain of salt, though I think I will be able to prove my thoughts.  

First, what is biblical prophecy?  It is quite literally speaking for God.  It is speaking the Word of God.  If you have a guy standing on the street corner preaching, "Repent! for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand!"  That is prophecy.  He is re-speaking the words of Jesus.

When Phillip's daughters prophesied in the book of Acts, they preached. It is possible that there was an element of foreseeing the future in their words, but I am certain that most of what they said was in line with how the Bible defines New Testament prophecy:
"But the one who prophesies strengthens others, encourages them, and comforts them.  A person who speaks in tongues is strengthened personally, but the one who speaks a word of prophecy strengthens the entire church." 1Corinthians 14:3-4

1 Corinthians 12:7-11 lists the  nine gifts of the Spirit.  Prophecy is one of the gifts listed.  According to Bible Hub which lists Strong's #G4394, the definition for prophecy in this verse is:

"Prophecy, prophesying; the gift of communicating and enforcing revealed truth. From prophetes; prediction"

My point is, while prophecy can involve the foretelling of future events, it is far more than that.  

I got caught up in all the hype around the election because I really thought it was God's will for Trump to win.  Apparently it was not.  The Bible declares that:

"He (God) changes times and seasons, he removes kings and sets up kings, he gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding." Daniel 2:21

"It is God alone who judges; he decides who will rise and who will fall. Psalm 75:7

"Everyone must submit to governing authorities.  For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God." Romans 13:1

God is in charge.  He raises up one and puts down another and as long as the authorities don't violate the Word of God, we are to submit to it because, according to the verses that come after the one above in Romans, these authorities are God's servants.

I wish I didn't have to make a stop here and could just go on with the point, but right now there are preachers using this verse from Romans to close their churches and such.

We are to obey authority as long as it doesn't violate what God has told us un his word.

The Bible says, "Thou shalt not murder." (the sixth Commandment Exodus 20:13).  That means if the United States ever passes a law that requires us to kill, we should fight tooth and nail against that. Never should we succumb.  Remember, we fight abortion because it is the spilling of innocent blood, and God is going to judge it.  But we are not required yet, to participate.

The Bible says, "And let us not neglect our meeting together." (Hebrews 10:25).  That means when the government says we can't meet in churches, that is a law with which we cannot comply.  It goes against the command of God.  Even if we have to meet in caves or catacombs as the early Christians did, then that is what we must do.

The Apostle Peter said in Acts 5:29 "We must obey God rather than any human authority."

Alright, now that that's out of the way, back to the point that God establishes the authorities that govern the world even if they are the very authorities that violate the Word of God.  He is on the throne.

Most Evangelical Christians believed wholeheartedly that Donald Trump was destined to do two terms in a row.  All the prophets were declaring it.  Maybe the prophecies were conditional.  Maybe a lot of things.  The fact that they got it wrong doesn't change.

Some have said that it was certainly God's will for Trump to do another term and the prophets were right.  It's just that evil people stole it from him.

Really?  Are we really to think that the God of the universe who could name the king that would allow Israel to return to the land (by name!) around one hundred and fifty years before it happened couldn't ensure the 2020 election? 

The book of Mormon says that the Messiah would be born in Jerusalem.  I called this out to a couple of elders of the LDS church that had come to my door.  They said that Bethlehem was only five miles away from Jerusalem, so it counted. 

I told them that the prophet Micah didn't miss by five miles.  He nailed it right on the head when he prophesied that Jesus would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2) .

I think people should be very careful when speaking for God.  Scripture is closed.  Everything a prophet speaks had better be grounded in the Word.

I can prophecy right now that the end is near even at the door.  The birth pangs are upon us and intensifying.  Look up! your redemption draweth nigh.  That my friends is prophecy.  It is taking the Word and applying it to what we see happening all around us.

Don't get a word of knowledge confused with prophecy.  A word of knowledge is insight from God that you could only know by divine revelation for a person or church.  Prophecy is being used as God's mouthpiece and speaking His word.

I encourage you to evaluate any prophecy you hear by this scripture from Revelation 19:10

"Then I fell down at his feet to worship him, but he said, "No, don't worship me.  I am a servant of God, just like you and your brothers and sisters who testify about their faith in Jesus.  Worship only God.  For the essence of prophecy is to give a clear witness for Jesus."

That's it in a nutshell folks.  The essence of prophecy is the clear witness of Jesus Christ.  I will be looking at everything through that lens from here out.  I encourage you to do the same.


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